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Epoxy floor paint construction method of these four steps you will?

date posted:2016-10-09 10:41:49

Epoxy floor paint construction method of these four steps you will?


Epoxy floor construction, epoxy resin as main material, curing agent, diluent, solvent, dispersing agent, defoaming agent and some filler mixed processing of epoxy floor paint.

Construction method of epoxy floor paint,

The first step: the epoxy floor paint of A group and B group according to the volume ratio of 1:2 mixed roll bottom surface elements, closed pores, to enhance pigment with paint layer adhesion;

Floor paint construction

The second step: the epoxy floor paint of A group and B group according to the volume ratio of 1:2 blending mix, adding 40-80 to quartz sand into epoxy mortar coating, epoxy mortar layer;

The third step: the epoxy floor paint of A group and B group according to the volume ratio of 1:2 blending mix, adding 300 to quartz powder into epoxy resin putty, fully approved 1 ~ 2 times, in order to fill sand hole, do the coating preparation;

The fourth step: the epoxy floor paint of A group and B group according to the volume ratio of 1:2 blending evenly with the trowel top paint,

This product is water-based epoxy primer based reinforcement, solid surface residual dust particles, increase the adhesion between the coating and the surface of the base, blocking the action of residual alkali up.


Key words:  Epoxy floor paint construction method of these four steps you will?
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